woensdag 9 december 2009


Less and Less Masters and Doctors???

We used to think that education, college and university degrees would be a way to a better job, a better life and a better future.
We even created a whole industry that marketed this need.
Higher education schools became money making machines by literally selling this above idea and towing in youngsters as students with their carrot of future promises.

It worked. For many years parents aimed to save money to send kids to college, then when the financial situations changed and the education industry became more demanding, parents did not save for their kids' college but their own pension! Kids had to take student loans to pay their tuition and later when they had the good, better, excellent job this tuition was meant to guarantee them with, they could pay back their student loans and still enjoy the better life and better future that were promised in the first place...

But not for long. Money making is a very delicate thing. You have to make the money while someone is losing their money! Money is not made out of thin air. It simply changes hands, changes value, changes lives.

While someone somewhere is making more and more of it, someone, somewhere is losing more and more of it, through loans, through devaluation, through increased costs of life, etc. Money making is not a fair deal. It seems fair to the one who is making the money, but the coin has yet another side. The one who loses the money does not feel it is fair at all.

This is now happening with the education industry. The promise, the carrot still holds, many if not most of us believe that education is the path, if not the only but surely the best path to a better job, a better life and a better future. Here I need to explain that as better life and future we commonly understand more income, better financial position and of course better social position. The more the letter behind ones name the more social respect the can enjoy! The title "Doctor" whether of medicine with the MD after the Dr, or of anything else is a well respected and well sought after title. It also shows a certain financial position.

To begin with behind the Dr. title there is a huge amount of money that went towards attaining that title. Tuition fees, and books and material costs that reach sky high, living expenses of the student, transportation, all in all we are looking at amounts that reach $30.000,00 and more depending of course of the school one attended. If it was one of the ivory league schools like Yale (my brother did his MA there and my mother knows how sky high his tuition fees were, cause she worked very hard to pay most of his costs...) we are looking at double or triple that amount, if not more...

The education industry to sustain itself, need to reel more and more willing students to pay the fee, lose their money so that the industry can make theirs! One gives (loses) the other takes (makes). Simple formula.

For many years as I said, this formula worked. The students made some money, too. They received a degree that opened many doors for them to a better life and a better future. These doors are now closing, and soon they will be shut and bolted from within! The ones who managed to have a better life and a better future do not want to share this better life and better future with the bigger and bigger masses of college students who have gone deep into dept to also have a better life and better future.

These doors are closing as society is making sure less and less from these masses reach the top of the ladder, whether that is the financial ladder of the social status one. Privileges come with a cost. One has to be become inhuman to be able to hold on to, protect and prevent that others lower the standards of the privileges one holds. privileges is very much like money.
It can change hands and it can become devalued. Those who have the privileges can also change, they can become selfish and self-centered as they refuse to share their position at the top of the ladder with the growing amount of college and university students that wants to be part of the promised better life and better future!

What happens then is a well fabricated financial crisis. All at the bottom of the ladder and the ones climbing the ladder, lose, so that the ones already at the top of the ladder can either hold on to that top and privileges, or make these privileges worth even more. They lengthen the distance between them and the masses.

This works, too. All of these are social tricks that have been used for ages and ages in every society so that the oligarchy, the few with the privileges could keep the masses out and away far from any reach of these privileges. If anyone thinks we are living in democratic societies is gravely unrealistic. There is NO DEMOCRACY, what we are told that is democracy is a game that the oligarchy has us play, we hold elections, we go vote, we think we have the power of decisions, and all that crap.

Nope. This game works, too. Like all games we are made to play as the immature idiots we are and do not get top grow up and stop from playing their games with their rules made for them to win and us to lose!

Then comes Autism! See, you were wondering how the heck all this is going to link to Autism...

Autism is the ability of the human being to see these games and refuse to play them. They call that a disorder, since all the rest of the normal human being do play the game and do not cause trouble and resistance in obeying this simple rule. Autistics do not like obeying rules, as simple as they may be, which do not sound fair. And the game we are all forced to play is NOTHING like fair. As I said before it is fair only for the ones on the winning end, and they never lose.

So, we have two choices. To accept the fact that the game is unfair, and stop using the idiotic cliche "life is unfair" because LIFE is NOT UNFAIR! We make life and living unfair because we have established a "money making-privileges holding-top of the ladder" maintaining game!

This happens of course when the ladder is vertical and there is a top and a bottom! Once this ladder is turned by 90 degrees and becomes horizontal, by magic the top and bottom disappear and we all become equal and the game becomes fair as it should be. This is what we Autistic know. That the wheel of fortune turns, and when it is not fair fair today, it can be fair the next.

This is a simple rule of gravity and a law of nature: All turns, all flows, παν ρέει!

This simple rule of Nature, we humans with our societies and laws and privilege holding have influenced and altered. We have made the game of life unfair for all, except the privileged few who make the rules as they please. The rest just live day by day unnoticing how bit by bit we lose any and every chance to ever reaching the promised better life and better future, the proverbial carrot in front of out noses...

The Job Market: Is a College Degree Worth Less?

Tuesday, Dec. 08, 2009

Employers and career experts see a growing problem in American society — an abundance of college graduates, many burdened with tuition-loan debt, heading into the work world with a degree that doesn't mean much anymore.

The problem isn't just a soft job market — it's an oversupply of graduates. In 1973, a bachelor's degree was more of a rarity, since just 47% of high school graduates went on to college. By October 2008, that number had risen to nearly 70%. For many Americans today, a trip through college is considered as much of a birthright as a driver's license.

Marty Nemko, a career and education expert who has taught at U.C. Berkeley's Graduate School of Education, contends that the overflow in degree holders is the result of many weaker students attending colleges when other options may have served them better. "There is tremendous pressure to push kids through," he says, adding that as a result, too many students who aren't skilled become degree holders, promoting a perception among employers that higher education doesn't work. "That piece of paper no longer means very much, and employers know that," says Nemko. "Everybody's got it, so it's watered down."

What's not watered down is the tab. The cost of average tuition rose 6.5% this fall, and a report released on Dec. 1 by the Project on Student Debt showed that the IOU is getting bigger. Two-thirds of all students now leave college with outstanding loans; the average amount of debt rose to $23,200 in 2008. In the last academic year, the total amount loaned to students increased about 18% from the previous year, to $81 billion, according to the U.S. Department of Education.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate for recent grads rose as well. It is now 10.6%, a record high. The devaluation of a college degree is no secret on campus. An annual survey by the Higher Education Research Institute has long asked freshmen what they think their highest academic degree will be.
In 1972, 38% of respondents said a bachelor's degree, but in 2008 only 22% answered the same. The number of freshmen planning to get a master's degree rose from 31% in 1972 to 42% in 2008. Says John Pryor, the institute's director: "Years ago, the bachelor's degree was the key to getting better jobs. Now you really need more than that."

Employers stress that a basic degree remains essential, carefully tiptoeing around the idea that its value has plummeted. But they admit that the degree alone is not the ace it once was; now they emphasize work experience as a way to make yourself stand out. Dan Black, director of campus recruiting in the Americas for Ernst & Young, and his team will hire more than 4,000 people this year out of 20,000 applicants. There are a lot of things besides a degree "that will help differentiate how much attention you get," says the veteran hirer, who has been screening graduates for 15 years.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car hiring guru Marie Artim, who says her company will hire 8,000 of 200,000 applicants worldwide, has found that her applicant pool is changing. "While 10 years ago we may have had the same numbers, today we have higher-quality and better-qualified applicants," she says.

So what does it take to impress recruiters today? Daniel Pink, an author on motivation in the workplace, agrees that the bachelor's degree "is necessary, but it's just not sufficient," at times doing little more than verifying "that you can more or less show up on time and stick with it." The author of A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future says companies want more. They're looking for people who can do jobs that can't be outsourced, he says, and graduates who "don't require a lot of hand-holding."

Left-brain abilities that used to guarantee jobs have become easy to automate, while right-brain abilities are harder to find — "design, seeing the big picture, connecting the dots," Pink says. He cites cognitive skills and self-direction as the types of things companies look for in job candidates. "People have to be able to do stuff that's hard to outsource," he says. "It used to be for blue collar; it's now for white collar too."

For now, graduates can steer their careers where job growth is strong — education, health care and nonprofit programs like Teach for America, says Trudy Steinfeld, a career counselor at New York University. "Every college degree is not cookie cutter. It's what you have done during that degree to distinguish yourself.

woensdag 2 december 2009


It used to be "In God we Trust"...

Now, as we have shifted our hope for eternal life (it used to be eternal life in Paradise) we have knelled in front of Science in the hope that as we used to receive a piece of bread for communion, we will now receive a magic pill for eternal health, well-being, longevity, and if possible eternal youth!

We have come to also believe that as long as we have enough money, we will be able to afford anything that Science will come up with to prolong our good health, our sexual function, our ability to be an active (and important) part of Society, and to be able to offer all of the above to our children and grandchildren...

We have become so dependant on everything the sell us, that promises to bring us a step closer to this dream of eternal youth, health and life, that we have lost all measure, all grip on reality.

We have allowed ourselves to blinded, to be brainwashed and to be stuffed of lies.

We have lost the Truth.

We have lost the Truth because we do not want to know the Truth. The truth is that we are all mortal, we are all subject to illnesses, pain, sorrow, and of course... Death!!!

We have veer so far from the truth, following the proverbial carrot that Science has placed in front of our noses, that we have no clue anymore to where it is that we are going.

We are so lost in the darkness of the valley of Death that we have grabbed that carrot with all available hands, are holding on to it so tight drenched in terror that nothing else exists any more.

We have lost the Truth. The Truth is the light that guided our soul, told us that all the difficulties we face have a reason, and the reason was and still is, to make us stronger, and by stronger it means to allow us to understand the stuff that we are made of. We are made of hope and courage, we are made of freedom and justice, we are made of compassion and love, we are made to be both children and parents, experiencing the "coin" of being from both sides. The side of receiving as a child and the side of giving as an adult and parent.

We have become worthless human beings. We have sold our souls to Science, expecting Science to give us all that we want and need, more or less like an infant expects its parents to fulfill all its needs and wants. The more we stay stuck with the carrot, the more we focus on the carrot, the more we loose the ability to grow up and mature and complete and enlightened human beings.

We remain instead stuck into the material existence, which has been now taken by Science. Science told us that we are mater, we are skin and bones, we are organs, we are nerves and blood, we are genes and DNA, we are ill because something is broken and can be fixed with an operation, a medication, a treatment, a therapy.

Science did not acknowledge the fact that we also have a soul. A part that is beyond the material, the visible that could be fixed and cured with the scientific advances of our time and time to come...

Science did not hesitate. This one part of us, the soul, was expressed in many different ways. It was expressed in our hopes and dreams, and fears. It was expressed in our thoughts, through philosophy, through literature, through music and art. It was also expressed in our behavior.

Since Science could not manipulate the soul, it set out to manipulate all expressions of the soul.
Our thoughts can now be manipulated, our fears can now be manipulated, even our desires (sexual mostly) or existential. Our expression through art can be manipulated. All of our behavior can be manipulated.

Science used Psychology to dig into our very soul and manipulate us. Psychology and Psychiatry set up a trap for us. Not many of us could see it coming cause we were told it was for our own good, our well-being. If Science through Psychology could know what makes us tick, Science would make sure to give us all we need so we can tick and tick and tick happily ever after.

That is what we were told! That is also how Psychology became part of Science. It began experimenting. It began experimenting on us! Yes, back in the early 50's and 60's most Psychological research was done either using human objects, or monkeys who were thought to have behavior that resembled the behavior of humans especially in the early stages of development! Yes, human babies and monkey babies are very similar when it comes to behavior as they have the same primary needs and they have DNA that is about 98% the same.

Thanks to these experiments, we discovered many hidden until back then aspects to our soul and mind and behavior. We began realizing that we have patterns of behavior, that we have actions and reactions, that we can be made to like or dislike something without any particular reason. Facts about our inner, psychological workings began surfacing. The human psyche was not a mystery any more!

The uncharted waters of our complex behaviors were now being well charted, well recorded and well understood. Science began dwelling more and more in the inner workings of our mind. It also began labeling what they found as normal and of course abnormal! Science loves labels. So Psychology as a part of Science had to follow the same habits. It also began labeling our behavior as normal and abnormal.

New disorders began to surface. Yes, the deep waters of the mind, of our soul had many turbulent areas, many Bermuda triangles, many twists and turns. It was a new frenzy! tell me who you are and I will tell you all the mental disorders you could have!

You will wonder what purpose did this all serve. Well, the purpose of curing us from all that could endanger our eternal youth, well-being, and life! The DSM was born!!! The DSM is a manual of all possible causes of Death. All possible causes, everything. And when I say everything, let me remind you that once homosexuality was part of this DSM!

Now it is Autism. Autism is also part of the DSM. Autism is a health risk. A mental health risk. Autism is abnormal and everything abnormal can lead to Death. This is how Science thinks. In very much black and white. Labeling is also very black and white. There is nothing gray about labeling. You either fit the label or you do not.

That is why Science needs to make sure it places the right label on the right disorder. if they place the wrong label then it will cause the whole system to crash. Science needs diagnoses, and it needs diagnostic tools. It needs to find a way to look into our bodies and souls and pinpoint what is wrong.

What could it be wrong? I mean, aren't we made in the perfect image of God? Is there something wrong with God? Then how can there something be wrong with us???

Aren't we meant to be all as different as possible and yet share one common thing: our soul, God's own being in us?

We were meant to experience different things in the way of illness, of pain, of suffering, of loss. We were meant to experience these so we could understand them. We were also meant to be able to see different aspects of the same thing, so when we combined them we could see the Wholeness of God and the Cosmos around us.

Science made us forget all that. It showed us that we all had to be the same, or be abnormal.
Escaping from the normal range of things means greater chances to encounter death. Isn't that also the rule of Nature???

Every animal that is less normal than the rest of the herd, will be easily spotted by predators and hunted down for food. Humans are part of the food chain. We have been part of the food chain all along, ever since we existed on this planet, but Science has made sure we forgot that, too. We now think we are at the top of the food chain. We are not. There are many creatures that can use us as their food. Bacteria, Viruses, besides lions and tigers and bears... Yes, we are not at the top of the food chain. H1N1 has reminded us of this fact.

But where do we go from here?

It is more than obvious that Science, from the savior that it was meant to be -and we have fed this monster billions and billions or dollars- it has now become even more greedy. Dollars are not enough. It is hungry for flesh. It must keep on experimenting, it must keep on showing results, it must keep on advancing, it must keep on digging deeper and deeper, it must keep on with all these practices or it will fall apart and deteriorate. It must show that there is a REASON for its existence!

It has become an all consuming money-making, result producing (whether these results are real or not it is not important any more, for as long as there are results available, that can be manipulated to look trustworthy enough), human guinea pig abusing, all powerful and respected machine!

Science has become a snowball that turned into an avalanche, destroying the same thing it was created to help and protect. It has fallen into the trap of money-making hedonism and has forgotten the Hippocrates oath.

Science is now the biggest abnormality, and it definitely deserves a place in the DSM along with everything else that it has labelled and placed in there. Everything else that is actually the basis of the very fabric of life...

vrijdag 20 november 2009


The Intense World Syndrome – an Alternative Hypothesis for Autism


Autism is a devastating neurodevelopmental disorder with a polygenetic predisposition that seems to be triggered by multiple environmental factors during embryonic and/or early postnatal life. While significant advances have been made in identifying the neuronal structures and cells affected, a unifying theory that could explain the manifold autistic symptoms has still not emerged. Based on recent synaptic, cellular, molecular, microcircuit, and behavioral results obtained with the valproic acid (VPA) rat model of autism, we propose here a unifying hypothesis where the core pathology of the autistic brain is hyper-reactivity and hyper-plasticity of local neuronal circuits.

Such excessive neuronal processing in circumscribed circuits is suggested to lead to hyper-perception, hyper-attention, and hyper-memory, which may lie at the heart of most autistic symptoms. In this view, the autistic spectrum are disorders of hyper-functionality, which turns debilitating, as opposed to disorders of hypo-functionality, as is often assumed. We discuss how excessive neuronal processing may render the world painfully intense when the neocortex is affected and even aversive when the amygdala is affected, leading to social and environmental withdrawal.

Excessive neuronal learning is also hypothesized to rapidly lock down the individual into a small repertoire of secure behavioral routines that are obsessively repeated. We further discuss the key autistic neuropathologies and several of the main theories of autism and re-interpret them in the light of the hypothesized Intense World Syndrome.

donderdag 8 oktober 2009

Genome-Wide Study of Autism

(Ha! they found the genes, yet again?!?!)

Published In Nature

Combining family- and population-based approaches sheds new light on the potential roles of both common and rare forms of human genetic variationIn one of the first studies of its kind, an international team of researchers has uncovered a single-letter change in the genetic code that is associated with autism.

The finding, published in the October 8 issue of the journal Nature, implicates a neuronal gene not previously tied to the disorder and more broadly, underscores a role for common DNA variation.

In addition, the new research highlights two other regions of the genome, which are likely to contain rare genetic differences that may also influence autism risk.

"These discoveries are an important step forward, but just one of many that are needed to fully dissect the complex genetics of this disorder, " said Mark Daly, one of the study's senior authors, a senior associate member at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT and an associate professor at the Center for Human Genetic Research at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).

"The genomic regions we've identified help shed additional light on the biology of autism and point to areas that should be prioritized for further study."

"The biggest challenge to finding the genes that contribute to autism is having a large and well studied group of patients and their family members, both for primary discovery of genes and to test and verify the discovery candidates," said Aravinda Chakravarti, professor of medicine, pediatrics and molecular biology and genetics at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine at Johns Hopkins, and one of the study's senior authors. "This latest finding would not have been possible without these many research groups and consortia pooling together their patient resources. Of course, they would not have been possible without the genomic scanning technologies either."

Autism is a common neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social, behavioral and communication abilities. (How long will they keep on repeating this stereotype of Autism like stupid parrots, only God knows!!!)

Compared to other complex diseases, which are caused by a complicated mix of genetic, environmental and other factors, autism is highly heritable - roughly 90% of the disorder is thought to be genetic in origin. (NO KIDDING!!! No mercury from vaccines causing it? No other stupid conclusions?)

Yet the majority of autism cases cannot be attributed to known inherited causes. (Yes, to known inherited causes, maybe you have a lot to still learn? Maybe you dear Science do not know ALL there is to know about inherited causes? How about that possibility? Huh?)

Modern approaches that harness genome-scale technologies have begun to yield some insights into autism and its genetic underpinnings. However, the relative importance of common genetic variants, which are generally present in the human population at a frequency of about 5%, as well as other forms of genetic variation, remains an unresolved question. (Exactly!)

To more deeply probe autism's complex genetic architecture, a large multinational collaboration led by researchers at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Massachusetts General Hospital, Johns Hopkins University and elsewhere devised a two-pronged, genome-scale approach.

The first component makes use of a family-based method (called "linkage") that analyzes DNA from autism patients and their family members to detect portions of the genome that harbor rare but high-impact DNA variants. The second harnesses a population-based method (known as "association" ) that examines DNA from unrelated individuals and can expose common genetic variants associated with autism and which tend to exert more modest effects.

"Given the genetic complexity of autism, it's unlikely that a single method or type of genomic variation is going to provide us with a complete picture," said Daly.
"Our approach of combining multiple complementary methods aims to meet this critical challenge."

For their initial studies, the researchers examined roughly half a million genetic markers in more than 1,000 families from the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE) and the US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) repositories. Follow-up analyses were conducted in collaboration with the Autism Genome Project as well as other international groups.

"We are deeply grateful to all of the patients and their families who made this work possible," said Daly.The researchers' results highlight three regions of the human genome. These include parts of chromosomes 6 and 20, the top-scoring regions to emerge from the family-based linkage studies. Although further research is needed to localize the exact causal changes and genes within these regions that contribute to autism, these findings can help guide future work.

Read more: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v447/n7145/abs/nature05911.html

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

Before Lucy came Ardi

New earliest hominid found

AP –Dr. C. Owen Lovejoy, Kent State University professor of anthropology, stands next to the reconstructed skeleton of "Lucy," a near-complete fossil of a human ancestor that walked upright more than three million years ago. A team of researchers including Lovejoy today unveiled research findings of a skeleton older than "Lucy," nicknamed "Ardi.

By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, AP Science Writer Randolph E. Schmid, Ap Science Writer

WASHINGTON – The story of humankind is reaching back another million years as scientists learn more about "Ardi," a hominid who lived 4.4 million years ago in what is now Ethiopia. The 110-pound, 4-foot female roamed forests a million years before the famous Lucy, long studied as the earliest skeleton of a human ancestor.

This older skeleton reverses the common wisdom of human evolution, said anthropologist C. Owen Lovejoy of Kent State University.
Rather than humans evolving from an ancient chimp-like creature, the new find provides evidence that chimps and humans evolved from some long-ago common ancestor — but each evolved and changed separately along the way.

"This is not that common ancestor, but it's the closest we have ever been able to come," said Tim White, director of the Human Evolution Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley.
The lines that evolved into modern humans and living apes probably shared an ancestor 6 million to 7 million years ago, White said in a telephone interview.
But Ardi has many traits that do not appear in modern-day African apes, leading to the conclusion that the apes evolved extensively since we shared that last common ancestor.
A study of Ardi, under way since the first bones were discovered in 1994, indicates the species lived in the woodlands and could climb on all fours along tree branches, but the development of their arms and legs indicates they didn't spend much time in the trees. And they could walk upright, on two legs, when on the ground.

Formally dubbed Ardipithecus ramidus — which means root of the ground ape — the find is detailed in 11 research papers published Thursday by the journal Science.
"This is one of the most important discoveries for the study of human evolution," said David Pilbeam, curator of paleoanthropology at Harvard's Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology.

"It is relatively complete in that it preserves head, hands, feet and some critical parts in between. It represents a genus plausibly ancestral to Australopithecus — itself ancestral to our genus Homo," said Pilbeam, who was not part of the research teams.
Scientists assembled the skeleton from 125 pieces.
Lucy, also found in Africa, thrived a million years after Ardi and was of the more human-like genus Australopithecus.

"In Ardipithecus we have an unspecialized form that hasn't evolved very far in the direction of Australopithecus. So when you go from head to toe, you're seeing a mosaic creature that is neither chimpanzee, nor is it human. It is Ardipithecus," said White.

White noted that Charles Darwin, whose research in the 19th century paved the way for the science of evolution, was cautious about the last common ancestor between humans and apes.
"Darwin said we have to be really careful. The only way we're really going to know what this last common ancestor looked like is to go and find it. Well, at 4.4 million years ago we found something pretty close to it," White said. "And, just like Darwin appreciated, evolution of the ape lineages and the human lineage has been going on independently since the time those lines split, since that last common ancestor we shared."

Some details about Ardi in the collection of papers:

• Ardi was found in Ethiopia's Afar Rift, where many fossils of ancient plants and animals have been discovered. Findings near the skeleton indicate that at the time it was a wooded environment. Fossils of 29 species of birds and 20 species of small mammals were found at the site.

• Geologist Giday WoldeGabriel of Los Alamos National Laboratory was able to use volcanic layers above and below the fossil to date it to 4.4 million years ago.

• Ardi's upper canine teeth are more like the stubby ones of modern humans than the long, sharp, pointed ones of male chimpanzees and most other primates. An analysis of the tooth enamel suggests a diverse diet, including fruit and other woodland-based foods such as nuts and leaves.

• Paleoanthropologist Gen Suwa of the University of Tokyo reported that Ardi's face had a projecting muzzle, giving her an ape-like appearance. But it didn't thrust forward quite as much as the lower faces of modern African apes do. Some features of her skull, such as the ridge above the eye socket, are quite different from those of chimpanzees. The details of the bottom of the skull, where nerves and blood vessels enter the brain, indicate that Ardi's brain was positioned in a way similar to modern humans, possibly suggesting that the hominid brain may have been already poised to expand areas involving aspects of visual and spatial perception.

• Ardi's hand and wrist were a mix of primitive traits and a few new ones, but they don't include the hallmark traits of the modern tree-hanging, knuckle-walking chimps and gorillas. She had relatively short palms and fingers which were flexible, allowing her to support her body weight on her palms while moving along tree branches, but she had to be a careful climber because she lacked the anatomical features that allow modern-day African apes to swing, hang and easily move through the trees.

• The pelvis and hip show the gluteal muscles were positioned so she could walk upright.

• Her feet were rigid enough for walking but still had a grasping big toe for use in climbing.

The research was funded by the National Science Foundation, the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics of the University of California, Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and others.
My comments:
Maybe one human kind evolved from the apes and the other from Ardi... Now who knows? Could it be that the Autistics and the Neurotypicals actually had different ancestors?
Wasn't it Temple Grandin who said that Autistics think like the animals? Well, maybe they evolved from the animals. Maybe that is because they are more in tune with the Earth, the nature, the cosmos...
Maybe we just different human species. Hey science, did you ever think of that???

dinsdag 29 september 2009

How Autism can be misdiagnosed and go undetected in adults

Experts ponder link between creativity and mood disorders

By Elizabeth Landau CNN

(CNN) -- The works of David Foster Wallace, who committed suicide September 12, 2008, are famous for their obsessively observed detail and emotional nuance.

David Foster Wallace reportedly battled depression for 20 years.

My note: He did not battle depression, but the side-effects of living as an autistic (most probably with Asperger's) in a non-autistic society. The visible depression signs was one of the side-effects that all autistics deal with throughout their lives! It is ignorance that killed this adult with Autism not his depression!!!
Unfortunately, before Autism became as known as it is today, and the mood ups and downs connected with autism became more known, many autistics were misdiagnosed with a range of conditions including bipolar disorder, chronic depression, eating disorders, etc. If the dots were correctly connected, the larger image that would appear would have been Autism. Unfortunately, most who treat people with mood or mental disorders, do not dig that deep. They just see whatever is most prominent in a patient's condition and label him that!

Certain characteristics of his prose -- hypersensitivity and constant rumination, or persistent contemplation -- reflect a pattern of temperament that some psychology researchers say connects mental illness, especially bipolar disorder and depression, with creativity.
There have been more than 20 studies that suggest an increased rate of bipolar and depressive illnesses in highly creative people, says Kay Redfield Jamison, professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and author of the "An Unquiet Mind," a memoir of living with bipolar disorder.

My note: Bipolar and depression are two very obvious tell-tales of an adult undiagnosed autistic!!! It is the ignorance of scientists like this psychiatry professor that killed David Wallace Foster. Autism includes a high ability that is linked with creativity, and the hypersensitivity that artists have. Look at the list of symptoms of bipolar and compare them to those of Autism. See what I mean???

Experts say mental illness does not necessarily cause creativity, nor does creativity necessarily contribute to mental illness, but a certain ruminating personality type may contribute to both mental health issues and art.

"Unquestionably, I think a major link is to the underlying temperaments of both
bipolar illness and depression, of reflectiveness and so forth," Jamison said. This theory could help explain why eminent artists throughout the history, from composer Robert Schumann to poet Sylvia Plath to Wallace -- suffered mood disorders.My note: All of these "mood disorders" are nothing more and nothing less than Autistic frustrations that surface as depression, when things do not go as we know they should, and extreme joy and emotional "high" when things go as we know they should.

"It's pretty clear if you read [Wallace's] books that he was a very obsessive, kind of ruminating guy," said Paul Verhaeghen, associate professor of psychology at Georgia Institute of Technology.

"You can see it in his sentences. ... They're breathless and they need to be annotated, and the annotations need to be annotated again."

My note: "Helloooo! He was autistic!!! Take a look at how Autism is connected with speech and the use of speech."

The research of Verhaeghen and colleagues shows when people are in a reflective mode, they may become more creative, depressed, or both. Previous research shows that when people are in a ruminating mode, they are more likely to be depressed, he said.
"If you think about stuff in your life and you start thinking about it again, and again, and again, and you kind of spiral away in this continuous rumination about what's happening to you and to the world -- people who do that are at risk for
depression ," he said.

Verhaeghen, who is also a novelist and describes himself as a "somewhat mood disordered person," had a particular interest in the connection between creativity and this ruminating state of mind.
"One of the things I do is think about something over and over and over again, and that's when I start writing," he said.

Sensitivity to one's surroundings is also associated with both creativity and depression, according to some experts.
Creative people in the arts must develop a deep sensitivity to their surroundings -- colors, sounds, and emotions, says Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, professor of psychology and management at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California. Such hypersensitivity can lead people to worry about things that other people don't worry about as much, he said, and can lead to depression.

My note: Wrong again you fools! They are autistic, and that is why they are hypersensitive and that is why they express this hypersensitivity into art. You got the whole chain reaction upside down you fools!!!

"The arts are more dangerous [than other professions] because they require sensitivity to a large extent," he said. "If you go too far you can pay a price -- you can be too sensitive to live in this world."
Terence Ketter is professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at Stanford University.

Ketter and his colleagues compared a healthy control group with bipolar patients, depression patients, and a control group of graduate students in writing and the arts.
They found that people with bipolar disorder scored better -- up to about 50 percent higher -- on creativity tests than the healthy control group. The creative control group had about the same increase in score relative to the healthy control group.
But more research is needed, says Ketter. The study does not explain the connection or show a causal relationship, he said.

Some have pointed out that being engaged in creative pursuits makes a person more open to experience, while others say the pressure of being engaged in the arts causes negative emotion, according to Ketter.
Still, the temperamental characteristics in question are thought to be somewhat inherent.
"It's a little hard to argue that engaging in creative activity could create the temperament, and it may be a little bit more possible that this temperament gives you a creative advantage," he said.

Verhaeghen's theory that rumination contributes to negative emotions generally sounds plausible and in some ways consistent with his own views, said Ketter.
Many hope that this type of research will be helpful in developing better strategies to manage and detect mental illness. These strategies can sometimes mean the difference between life and death.
"Tragically, mood disorders can still present a sudden death in people who have been undiagnosed and untreated, and die from the illness," says Ketter.

My note: YES!!! Undiagnosed and untreated for Autism because that is what they have! They were high functioning so they were never noticed. And as children no one knew what autism was back then. Wake up fools. People are dying!!!

More specifically, Ketter says, just as heart disease sometimes presents itself for the first time as a fatal heart attack, mental illness sometimes presents itself for the first time as a suicide.

An appreciation of David Foster Wallace

maandag 28 september 2009

AUTISM and SOCIETY - Who is truly ill?

You see if we have two things, and one of them (Society in this case) decided to label the other (Autism) a disorder (a developmental disorder in this case), we need to question how sound is that decission, and what interests are being served by that label!

My personal belief is that what motivates Society and Science that pulls Society's strings is greed more than anything else. Science has become our Society's new religion, since we have now put all our faith towards preventing death (the one thing that holds our ultimate fear) in Science's hands, where previourly these were God's hands.

And like the good ol' "Church", Science is the one that now controls Society. Maybe it is about time we change that "In God we Trust", into "In Science we Trust" as this would far better apply to today's beliefs.

We have allowed Science to take over, simply because we refuse to accept our own weaknesses and vulnerabilities, we refuse to see the inevitable truth that we will all, no matter what, one day die! We wish to avoid this truth, we wish to pay any amount to change this truth, we are willing to make any sacrifice to avert this from happening. We used to pray to God, offer things of value, offer sacrificies such as the lives of others, whether humans or animals, to ensure we would be kept well, and of course... ALIVE!

Yet, this endless game with death came to be a very profitable industry. The promise of eternal youth, of eternal health, of eternal life has become the core of today's Society, where the cosmetics industry, the pharmaceutical industry and whole mecical world have become our new Gods!

To them we sactrifice our income, to them we sacrifice animals (we call them laboratory animals), to them we also sacrifice humans. Ourselves, and our children. Truly, nothing has really changed much since the dark Middle Ages. It has only become more hip, more acceptable, more easily accessed, more integraded into our daily lives. We think about taking medications or not, as little as we think about using toilet paper or not.

We fill our bodies with chemicals that are absorbed either through our digestive system or through our skin, hair, nails, lips, you name it. We never even think what substances are inside our shampoo bottles, are nail polish, our lipstick, our deodorants. Yet, we worry that some mercury inside a vaccine, might cause Autism!

This is how blind we have become to what is happening to us and around us. How we are being "drugged" through small amounts of different chemicals day after day... We then wonder how our Human kind is changing, giving birth to Autistic children.

Mass media has a big saying into this, too. They can also gain profit from this huge money-making industry by reporting new findings, by creating sensationalism out of nothing, by making us accept easier and easier the dark practices that happen around us, by making us immune to them through over reporting, though commercialism, through osmosis. At the end we neither see or hear any more what is happening and how we are being used, abused, misled, drugged, poisoned and yes... killed.

I will not sit here and repeat things others have said better than I ever could. I will just add here the links to articles that explain, support and analyze the fact that Science has turned us all into laboratory animals, abusing our ultimate fear of death and desease, and has allowed medical doctors, psychiatrists, etc. to exploit us like never before.

Ultimately, it is Society that has gone ill, that has become a disorder, a viral infection that is slowly killing our Human kind. It is Society that is creating more illnesses than it can cure, so that we remain eternaly dependant on their practices while it feeds on us.

Read on, there is plenty to take into account the next time you read about Autism and how it is the worst developmental disorder, a true epidemic, a danger to Society and social rules. Think deep what ends serve this Society and the social rules.

Who are behind this "Society" and who make these social rules. Then wonder whether Autism is not yet another scapegoat, another diversion from what truly is the point here: How dependant have we become to the endless dream of a magic pill that cures all illness, including death!

- How Pharma Giants Are Getting Rich By Calling Our Life Problems 'Medical Disorders'

- Mental Illness or Social Sickness?

- ADD/ADHD: Mental Illness or Social Oppression?

I rest my case.

woensdag 17 juni 2009

A Time Comes When Silence is Betrayal

On April 4, 1967 -- one year before his death -- Martin Luther King spoke at Riverside ChurchNew York City saying these same words: "A time comes when silence is betrayal".

Now is that time.

It is with sadness and dismay that I write to you this evening. Alex Barton my son, was ostracized by his kindergarten teacher last year for being autistic.

This evening, Mike Lannon and the school board members of Saint Lucie County Schools decided that the civil rights of people with autism, and those who do not fit their idea of perfect do not matter.


ST. LUCIE COUNTY — Former Morningside elementary teacher Wendy Portillo said she hopes to return to teaching in local schools this fall, following a unanimous vote Wednesday evening by the school board that lets her keep tenure and contract, a decision that comes more than one year after she lead her kindergarten students to vote classmate Alex Barton out of class.

“I’m overjoyed,” Portillo said after an emotional 90-minute hearing in which more than a dozen teachers and parents urged the school board to relent in the punishment. “I’m happy that I’ll be able to go back to doing what I love to do.”

The hearing was interrupted by applause after each and every speaker supported Portillo. Many who spoke blamed the incident on a lack of adequate policies by the school system to help teachers deal with disruptive students.

Alex was in the process of being diagnosed with a high-functioning form of autism when the incident took place May 21, 2008.

School Board Website:

Melissa Barton

Unfortunately, this is the reality for many children with autism and Asperger's Syndrome. They are systematically being removed from the formal education framework and left on the sidelines of education and society in general.

This reality is the majority when it comes to Greece as a country.

Recently, the Government voted a law that allows School Principles to decide whether or not an autistic/Asperger child will be allowed to receive main-stream education in their school (usually beginning with kindergarten).

This way, autistic children in Greece are forced to enter "special school" education which will never allow them to enter main-stream education ever again. Once in a special school always in a spacial school.
Special schools are just a form of "day care" that offer absolutely no form of education to the autistic child but meaningless activities that render its brain useless...

Wasn't it Socrates who warned against the tyranny of the majority?

Now I am beginning to know exactly what he meant.

woensdag 20 mei 2009

"Missing Link" Fossil Found; Proof of Evolutionary Theory?

May 20, 2009 by

47-Million-Year-Old Fossil Suggests Primate Link

"Ida," or Darwinius masillae, is just one of the many missing links that make their way to the divergence of primate evolutionary paths, one of which produced the primate forms of monkeys, apes, and humans, and another which produced animals such as lemurs. In fact, the gap is so large in the known fossil record, scientists are uncertain exactly where the divergence began.

Still, "Ida" has a lemur-like skeleton.

"Ida" also has primate characteristics such as opposable digits, grasping hands, nail-less fingers (as opposed to claws), and relatively short limbs. Since the newly discovered missing link is dated as being from the Eocene era, a time period from which few fossil records have been found, the fossil will be entered into the religion versus science debate.

For scientists, the more important aspect of Darwinius masillae is that it was found in Germany, which might point toward Europe as being more important in the evolutionary spectrum than was heretofore believed. And regardless of where "Ida" stands on the evolutionary path, one thing is unique about the fossil: It is amazingly preserved.

The 47-million-year-old fossil allowed paleontologists to study the fossilized record of fur, soft tissue, and even the remains of the animal's last meal, which consisted of seeds, fruits, and leaves.So is Jorn Hurum's "Ida" really a missing link, another stop on the evolutionary road that has led to the present, or is she just another singularly unique prehistoric creature? "Ida" is both. Her existence will not "prove" or "refute" the argument that every creature was "designed" for a singular purpose, nor will it prove or discount evolutionary theory.

The missing link found at the Messel Pit in Germany suggests itself as a link in the overall concept of evolution and the record of life on the planet, just another piece of the puzzle. Whether one believes that Darwinius masillae was created by an omniscient force or was the end result of ages of natural selection -- or a combination of the two methods of thinking -- becomes the province of subjective accommodation.

Source: NationalGeographic.com

woensdag 25 maart 2009



The question of course is, do they know what that means or will they make again the wrong assumptions that support their wrong claims and offer again the wrong solutions? One thing is sure, if all the wrongs offer them riches, I already know what the outcome will be...

Autism Genes That Control Early Learning

New study confirms importance of early behavioral intervention in treating the disorder (how wish we could find a cure for the Science Disorder at hand...)

By Nikhil Swaminathan

A new genetic analysis of large, inbred Middle Eastern families found that genes linked to a heightened risk of autism are crucial to a child's ability to learn.
A group of scientists, led by a team at Children's Hospital Boston, has pinpointed six new genes that may contribute to autism, a disorder characterized by asocial behavior, difficulty communicating and repetitive actions that affects an estimated one in 150 children born in the U.S. each year.

They report in Science that all of the linked genes are involved in forming new and stronger connections, called synapses, between nerve cells in the brain, which is the biological basis of learning and memory formation."We're showing, on the one hand, that autism seems to have a large genetic component," says study co-author Christopher Walsh, chief of genetics at Children's Hospital. "But, the genes that are involved are actually those that are involved in responding to the environment and learning."

The findings, Walsh says, reinforces the importance of early diagnosis of autism and intervention, particularly behavioral therapy and learning in enriched environments through repeated activities. Performing these sorts of tasks may help strengthen cellular connections, compensating for the malfunctioning genes.The researchers studied 88 families in which one or more children had been diagnosed with autism, and the parents of each autistic child were cousins.

Marrying second and third—and even first cousins—is not uncommon in the Middle East, and by studying such families scientists were able to track recessive genetic traits (caused by mutations that only affect individuals with two copies of the flawed genes). Such traits occur far more frequently in inbred families than in others.The team found a total of six mutations affecting genes that had previously not been linked to autism.

The mutations came in the form of deletions, where part or all of both copies of the genes were missing in a child with the disorder. All of the genes are known to be involved in parts of the same process: creating and strengthening synapses.Normally, when nerve cells (neurons) activate in response to an environmental factor (such as processing a new face or a new sound), synapses between two active cells change to provide stronger connections so the cells can pass on information more efficiently.

As the brain develops, new connections are continuously formed among nerve cells, reinforced and, in some instances, broken as the brain starts to mature and divvy up its different functions to specific groups of neurons.

According to the findings, "All of the relevant mutations could disrupt the formation of vital neural connections during a critical period when experience is shaping the brain," says Thomas Insel, director of the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) in Bethesda, Md. To wit, most children are diagnosed with autism between the ages of one and three years of age.Walsh says the team believes these deletions—which in most cases found here only remove some, but not all, of the DNA that makes up a gene—may mean that the genes can regain some of their normal function.

In fact, some of these genes may just be switched off. "This presents the possibility that in some kids we could get the gene going again without necessarily having to put it back in the brain," he says.Jim Sutcliffe, a molecular physiologist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn., in a Science editorial notes that the majority of autism research is geared toward prenatal development, even though the brain continues to develop well after a child is born. "Experience and environmental input play an important role in subsequent development," he says.

He calls the notion that learning in early life is disrupted by these autism genes "an intriguing proposal," but says that further research is needed to validate it.

Dan Geschwind, a neurologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, says that to test the hypothesis that autism genes affect synaptic strength, it would be important to examine the 20 to 30 other genes that have been implicated in autism and see which ones also play a role in strengthening neuronal connections. "If its a significant proportion," he says, "that would provide support for the hypothesis being put forward."

Walsh notes that many children diagnosed with autism tend to show vast improvement when they are placed in environments that allow them to practice learning repetitively. He says that these activities essentially train the neurons to make up for their lost function."Our work reinforces the importance of early intervention and behavioral therapy," he says. "The more we understand about genetics the more we understand how important the environment is."

Gee! Not much hope here either. The ISS (Idiotic Scientist Syndrome) has strike yet again!!!
